Monday, April 22, 2013


It has been years since (actually a year and 8 months) I last posted a blog. May be I am too busy or may be I am a little lazy (the former is more true).

One significant event which happened last week is Advaita. This is the inter college techno-cult fest organized by our students.

When the students approached me to organize the event, I was reluctant to give permission. Earlier events organized by the students had some very ugly incidents. Hence, I questioned their ability to organize an event with decency. However, they promised to organize will not have any law and order issues.

We told them that there are three parameters to judge the event:

Financially sustainable: I told the students to have plans for three scenarios. Scenario A being they get all the finances as they had planned and the Scenario C is they get nothing as planned. Hope for Scenario A and Plan for Scenarion C.

No Ugly Incidents: The events should be free from any ugly incident. That means they need to take adequate measures for crowd control, selective in inviting etc.

Start and finish on time: Each event must start and finish on time.

We did not put a yardstick on quality.

Advaita is successful on the first two criteria. On the third, the success is mixed.

Liked: The website is very cool. Good team work. Plenty of enthusiasm.

Didn't like: Facebook page is empty. Not enough reporting on the events.


Anonymous said...

The hunt for whether to Wait for perfection or Aim for perfection was finished here at last Sir. A very brave new effort by our Tech Sec (Kiran) and Cult Sec (Brijesh) aided by a team of very dedicated and professional team building students of IIIT finally made Advaita happen. This year we had an array of events which really makes the IIIT Students Community proud of having laid the foundation stone of an era and legacy of Techno-Cult Fest.
Hoping that future generations of students keep adding efforts and the college administration keeps pouring genuine interests into this legacy, i believe we have already struck the oil of Perfection.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the post..

Anonymous said...

PNR Status

Thanks for sharing the Post.....

Smantha Webburr from WordPress & Pincode India

dcp said...

Nice to see the Director writting his blogs once again.. He writes very well!!!

dcp said...

The first batch has passed out.. We the parents had put so much of our trust in the management of this nascent college.. Was it misplaced ??? So much remains to be done....

Unknown said...

the concept of advaita is good
Indian railway pnr status