When we were students in IIIT, there was a common prank among the students called changing the CG. The CG stands for Center of gravity. When a student does not cooperate with the extra-curricular activities, he is given a CG change. The mattresses will be moved to top of the almirah, the bucket will be on the study table. The CG will change with re-distribution of the objects.
Last month, the CG in the Institute has changed somewhat. The Library has now moved to its designated space on the 3rd Floor. The Workshop has started functioning the far end of the campus. Two floors in the hostel are now functional and a few students have moved to the Hostel.
We want to give more CG change to the Institute. The Mess ought to be ready by end of this month. The Hostel will be ready by three months time. The labs will be rearranged and some of the labs will move to the workshop area.
Somehow I had lots of hopes on this Institute starting from the days they were trying to get AICTE approval. The Director and Dean were sounding too enthusiastics on the 1st day of their address to the parents & wards on the opening day. But down the line somewhere something seem to be amiss and I am not as hopeful as on that day.
Lots of things to say but to whom and how? Let the CG really change by starting PhD courses which the website still promises.Let the CG change by inducting the best of Faculties. Let the CG change in housing Faculty members in the campus quickly. Let the CG change by arranging and deploying some basic medical facilities on the campus. Let the CG change by shifting our young daughters to a secred hostel premise and let the CG change by illuminating the sorroundings with some light fittings after the sun-set !
We see that things moving fast. We also know that the autonomy issue is being addressed to, but the pace seems to be a little slow. We hope that it will catch up. Remaining with BPUT will disturb the schedules in the curriculum, as regards the exams etc. The result of last exam. is still awaited.
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