Sushant Mishra
“Death” is the answer which nobody questions, and
“life” is the question which nobody can answer. Death is inevitable, nobody can
avoid it. But reasons could have been avoided.
The unnatural death of a 4th Year student, Himanshu
Rathore at Paradeep on 28th Feb
2018 due to drowning came as a shocking news to the Institute.
Students prefer to ignore advice / warning of the
Institute. They prefer to take certain adventurous actions, which may result in fatality. They do not visualize the consequence of error. For the daring
actions, they may get temporary satisfaction; even this might have gotten them brownie points from friends. The temporary provocation or temptation sometimes results grievous
Apart from venturing into sea for bathing, doing
acrobats in bikes or high wall jumping or Spiderman stunt or taking Selfie pic
in vulnerable positions are some bright examples. But fatal results will
leave tears in the eyes of your family and well wishers.
Life is very precious and delicate. There is no re-take or un-do.
You don't have exclusive right on your life. A major part of your life belongs
to your parents, relatives, and friends. So one should not dare / take risk on his
life, which you have no complete ownership. Parents have many expectations, wishes
and dreams on you. Don't dishearten them. They get pleasure from your smile,
so keep them smiling, not crying.
The Institute has witnessed half a dozen unnatural deaths in its brief period of existence. A few had miraculous escape
from the jaws of death. They got new lease of lives. The stigma, traumatic
feeling of the survivors will last for their life long. They ventured
into the water despite warning from the Institute and from others.
Off late some mischievous students get sadistic pleasure by
breaking fire extinguisher system. Fire
extinguishers which are meant for protecting them will be no use in case of a fire.
Death due to drowning
is one kind of willful death or shadow suicide. Any kind of daring instinct and
challenge should be avoided which will cause sorrow to family. Being aspirant
of a bright professional career, you should do certain action for which your
family, friends, Institute, nation should proud of, not to feel sorry about.
The Institute
expressed condolence to his bereaved family. We know the Institute will back to
normal within a day or two. Friends will mourn for a week or so. But we understand
the heartbreaking feeling of parents, whose tears will not dry.
May the soul of
Himanshu Rathore rest in peace. And it will be great tribute to him, if all
other students learn a strong lesson from this irreparable loss and they should
vow not to venture into life-risk actions beyond protection limit.